Sunday, May 22, 2011

Of My 27th Birthday

Last week saw me and the family celebrating my 27th Birthday for the whole week.

This is where I had my Birthday Lunch.

Actually, I was not really excited to celebrate my birthday. That's because, my baby girl suddenly demam panas! (But, Alhamdulillah, dia cuma demam sehari...she's all fine now.)


I've been craving for good macaroons for weeks!
So, I had these instead of birthday cake biasa, for my birthday.

I actually can habiskan all tau...
*Kena kencing manis, baru padan muka!*


Malam tue, Rae dah baik my mom & my dad treated us whole family dinner @ Tarbush, Empire Gallery.
Another celebration for moi... :D
My BIG happy family!
From left: Zhu Zhu, Wan Ma, Rae, Tok Dad, Mama Da, LiL Zara, Papa Li & Daddy da spoiler! :P

As for birthday gift...
Teehee! Boleh tak I tak nak pape pun this time??!
But knowing my Husband, memang I will dapat something from him.
Sebesar-besar mall KLCC tue, u all nak tahu apa yang I berkenan di hati?

GUESS pink diaper bag!
Dapat clutch, changing mat, size bag tue siap boleh muat Rae tau!
PINK can never go wrong for me...
Buatpe lar bazir duit selalu beli luxury designer handbag... Guess pun ooookay! :P
Thank u Husband.
I loike!
Practical, kan???