Monday, February 20, 2012

Told Ya!

She has been infected with HFMD disease! :(
HFMD = Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease
which is ada biji-biji air (macam ruam) kat tangan, kaki and dalam mulut dia.
So sad.
Pity her lar sebab dia asyik meragam gatal satu badan, tak selesa!
She's hardly can fall asleep on her own anymore, and asyik menangis jer...
Went to the clinic this morning, but I takut and risau lagi, so again I bawa her to get a proper check with Paed at the hospital.
Bersyukur juga sebab condition stabil, so no need to berkampung dalam ward.
Get well soon baby girl.
In the mean time, U must stay away from other kids ok darling?!
When U dah recover, Mommy and Daddy will bring u out.

When Will It Be For Another Baby?

*tittle tak hingat dunia sey...!* :P
Just kidding!
We just got back from Turkey.
Penat masih tak hilang since dalam last flight, Rae meragam, something is definitely wrong with her, the condition of her health I mean. So, I must take her to see the doctor soon.
Another baby?
Surely not in this 2-3 years time.
Why not?
Tunggulah dulu kot...teehee!
Tapi saya tidak menolak rezeki dari Allah ya!
Kami suka ramai anak!
Well, so comel Rae in her new sweat shirt kan??? :D
She dah macam Little mean-Sue dalam GLEE!

Awesome Turkey!

We went for a week :D
We surely had a blast!
Make that as our great start for 2012.
Will be more awesome trips for us this year...Inshaallah.

i-City Night Out

We took Rae to the park-full-with-lights with my sis, BIL, their Lala and Zara accompanied us last night.